
2019年4月30日—IwantedtomigrateallmyconnectionstomRemoteNGfromMobaXterm,butsincetheoptionisnotavailable,Ihavetomanuallyenterover60+ ...,2023年8月28日—IsthereanyothertoolwesupportotherthanMobaXTerm?IcanimportSecureCRTsessionsintothosetoolsandimportbackintomRemoteNG.Idon' ...,CompareMobaXTermvsmRemoteNG.21verifieduserreviewsandratingsoffeatures,pros,cons,pricing,supportandmore.,WhencomparingMobaX...

Feature Request

2019年4月30日 — I wanted to migrate all my connections to mRemoteNG from MobaXterm, but since the option is not available, I have to manually enter over 60+ ...

How to import sessions from SecureCRT or any other ...

2023年8月28日 — Is there any other tool we support other than MobaXTerm? I can import SecureCRT sessions into those tools and import back into mRemoteNG. I don' ...

MobaXTerm vs mRemoteNG

Compare MobaXTerm vs mRemoteNG. 21 verified user reviews and ratings of features, pros, cons, pricing, support and more.

MobaXterm vs mRemoteNG detailed comparison as of 2023

When comparing MobaXterm vs mRemoteNG, the Slant community recommends MobaXterm for most people. In the question“What are the best SSH clients for Windows?” ...

MobaXterm vs mRemoteNG: Which is Better? (2021)

Compare MobaXterm and mRemoteNG and decide which is better.


2022年11月21日 — I tried saving a new mRemoteNG export file and importing it MobaXterm. I thought it would import all saved sessions from mRemoteNG.


2021年12月11日 — It may not be perfect, but it allowed me to convert 245 MobaXterm sessions to mRemoteNG. Here is the link to download it: ...

The final showdown

2017年12月20日 — I Have been using MobaXterm for some months now and just discovered mRemoteNG, which seems like the Open Source alternative.


2023年6月20日 — 【工具使用】几款优秀的SSH连接客户端软件工具推荐FinalShell、Xshell、MobaXterm、OpenSSH、PUTTY、Terminus、mRemoteNG、Terminals等 原创. 最新推荐 ...

好用的mRemoteNG 外部工具

3 天前 — mRemoteNG 是一套開源的遠端桌面管理工具,提供了一個統一的界面,讓 ... 類似的東西,我早年也用過mRemoteNG 一段時間,的確不錯用。 現在我是用MobaXterm ...